Yamaha is schedule to unveil two new high-end speakers to the market end of September. Yamaha SRT-1500 MusicCast TV Speaker Base and WX-030WH MusicCast Wireless Speaker scheduled to release on 30th September. Specifications and price of these two models are already out and available for pre-order from Amazon. Either Amazon or Yamaha not confirmed initial batch size. Looking at specifications and price, we could sense high demand for these two products and very few may get lucky to buy them on first sale. Here is our review on how these two models stands out in specification.
The whopping specifications, affordable price tag and trustworthy brand name makes these two speaker models not easy to sideline. Yamaha has proven record of accomplishment when it comes to product quality and meeting the user expectations, we believe SRT-1500 and WX-030WH MusicCast speakers are all-set to impress the users. We are eagerly awaiting for the hands-on these two models, as many of the Yamaha product lovers. Bookmark our website or ‘Like’ our Facebook page to stay tuned. Alternatively, if you are lucky to get these products before us, comeback here and share your review on comments section.
Yamaha SRT-1500 MusicCast TV Speaker Base
One of the attractive looking piece with cutting-edge technology. The model comes with 4K UHD pass-through with HDCP 2.2 certification. The SRT-1500 speaker base has all high-end features like wireless connectivity through Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, online streaming from Pandora, Spotify and many other stations. This model also supports AirPlay. Under the hood, the sleek speaker box has 10 speakers with 136 watts RMS and dual built-in subs on either sides. The unit weighs about 20 pounds and apparently, the speaker base has strong metal frame to support substantial weight.
Click here for a closer look.
Yamaha WX-030WH MusicCast Wireless Speaker
Yamaha WX-030WH is another cool product releasing on same day. The electronics giant also ensures high-end specification for this model. The speaker box comes with similar connectivity features of SRT-1500, supporting Wi-Fi, Bluetooth wireless and online streaming. The model does not support 4K pass-through, keeping the price highly affordable. This wireless speaker provides freedom to keep them in any room/place without messing with wiring, and keep adding them. You can also carry them for camping and stream the music from smartphones. The WX-030WH speakers will be available in both white and black colors (Yamaha WX-030BL).
Click here for a closer look.